January flew by in a flash and February was consumed like Valentine’s Day Candy. I am finally able to hit the pause button to say HELLO to you. How I have missed you…and hope you missed me a little too!
Change Is In The Air…There is a tremendous upswing in people truly desiring to be more mindful about what they own and why. Hallelujah!!! A big part of this is because many people drank the Marie Kondo Kool-Aid and liked the taste. While, others found it bitter and therefore still searching for an organizing method with margins that reflects their personality, flexible lifestyle and growing family needs to support it all. Remember, no organizing method is “no-one-size-fits-all” so it’s really important to find what works for you!
With that being said, the timing couldn’t be better for the completion for my Organizing Book Series: Ignite the Organizer in You. Learn more in today’s blog to be part of my “VIP Village People” and receive a 99 cent book download in the coming month once it is released.
Pantry Makeover for One Special Mama: I have known Coley Arnold since her very first Junk In The Trunk Event with fellow Co-Founder Lindsey Holt a gazillion years ago. Such a unique concept where you can shop over 120,000 sq. ft. filled with 150+ vintage curators and handmade artisans from across the country while enjoying live music, local food trucks…such a unique shopping experience.
It has been so amazing to see their business bloom and BOOM to incredible levels especially since they launched Foundress.co, a networking forum for small businesses and where I am a proud member. With Coley residing in a darling Arcadia home rental and a little one on the way, it was great fun showering her with some organizing love on her family pantry.
So wonderful reconnecting with everyone today! Enjoy the behind the scene stories, transformation pics and tips!

{Pantry & Hall Makeover}
w/ Coley Arnold of
Junk In the Trunk
I am always up for a great transformation project, but this one was a bit trickier since it required juggling both our demanding biz schedules, we only had 3 hours to transition both the pantry, hall closet and take pics of the progress. Thankfully, I was already was familiar with the spaces, themes and Coleys bucket list of top needs. Prior to my arrival, I had her round up all the potential solutions and some new ones she purchased, plus I brought an arsenal of my own. Organizers ALWAYS need back up options!
The Clutter-Buster Challenges:
- Great storage but not clear systems, no food themes that are defined and labeled per shelf for family to utilized
- Some themes gathered together, but not enough for back stock
- Space was wide, but not very deep so was tricky to store items
- Final system had to be budget savvy being a rental home, it needed to be easy to transition to a new home if required.

The Savvy Solution:
- Defined all food themes and labeled well
- Gather all current foods in theme order
- Place themes in logical order: Breakfast at the bottom, Lunch & Dinner up high
- Re-purposed Coley’s vintage tin to house paper goods and picnic-ware neatly corralled in a cup
- Removed all snack bars from it’s packaging and placed by flavor in clips for better lunch making efficiency
- Placed a variety of snacks in separate Ziplocs for Coley’s car vs. spending extra money on-the-go

” Our pantry is so nice now!
It has cut our morning routine time in half because everyone knows where everything is!
Can’t thank you enough!”
– Coley Arnold

{Hall Makeover}
The Clutter-Buster Challenges:
- Great shelving storage but its sole “purpose” was never truly defined so became an over flow for food, sports and shipping.
- Needed to define themes for the closet, re-purpose solutions and appropriately label each one for entire family to utilize.
- Have open storage to manage on going shipping and returns.
- Re-purpose as many organizing products that Coley had on hand

The Savvy Solution:
- Cleared entire space and wiped floor and shelving clean.
- Re-purposed some vintage finds to house water bottles for family to grab and fill on-the-go- and crate to corral shipping items in a functional and pretty crate.
- Defined a shelf and labeled totes from Ikea to hold each boys’ flag football gear so they can maintain the order easily and independently.
- Re-purpose a clever beverage station to hold drinks and cups so entertaining is made easy with everything all in one place.

{To All My VIP Village People}
The 99 cent Book Link & Review Lowdown
I am totally new to this entire book selling world but apparently there is much to know
and much required to hit “Best Seller Status” as an Author in your genre on Amazon!
Its all run by algorithms, much like social media, so if your book shows intense
interest of 200 downloads per day x 4 day set period,
Amazon takes notice, places your book up top vs. the bottom,
could be ranked As a “Best Selling Author” so I can serve a nationwide audience of
adults and kiddos who I feel have not yet been reached.
What makes this even MORE challenging is that I have 2 books launching the same time. Apparently, God thinks I can handle the bloody impossible…I mean really right?!?…but I am up for the challenge if He thinks not only I can handle it, BUT that I made it this far over the past 2.5 years so I ain’t slowing down anytime soon. Just try to stop me…
If you want to be part of my “VIP Village People” just reply stating:
your full name + email + want the 99 cent book download…DONE!
- In the coming weeks I will get the book link and release dates
- You will be updated by email on next steps with downloadable link and can post a review
- Please forward it/post it/to whomever for those 4 days…start thinking of your top peeps :0)
- You are seriously becoming my BBFF – aka “Best BInder Clip Friend Forever” by supporting me personal or sahring the organizing love to others in your village.
- LOVE that I get to GIFT this to you and SHARE this excitement WITH YOU!
- Stay well connected with daily posts of transformation pics, hacks and tips via
Instagram and Facebook.
We love to see Our Village of Organized Peeps growing more and more everyday!