You are dashing out the door for your child’s early dentist appointment to only realize your never scribbled out a note for your child’s teacher the day
before notifying her your child will be arriving late to school that morning.
Yikes! Well too late now, damage is done and your running late as it is! Double yikes! Question is what are your going to do the next time? No fear folks I have your handy dandy solution right here! When I was a first time kindergarten mom I made note of all the different dentist, doctor and bus ride home for after school play dates and realized a printable set was in order! Enter this week’s teachable tips of FREE PRINTABLE school activity letters for all your child’s activities.
This set of FREE pintables are pre-designed, so all you have to do is fill in the blank!
Often as parents, grandparents or care givers we get so caught up in the planning of our child’s activities that we neglect to inform the teacher and the school who also are involved. It not only is imperative but respectful giving them ample time to plan class dismissal accordingly. They will be grateful and most impressed when you hand them your child’s handy dandy Student Activity Note.
1. Download the FREE PRINTABLE to your computer.
2. Create a school folder, for each child.
3. Place a set in each folder – customize with their name if you so desire.
4. Print off at least (2) sets of the printable for each child- place in a clear protective sleeve to keep clean.
I place one set in my child’s school binder along with their school calendar. Binder is stored nearby in my laundry room for easy reference and for taking to parent meetings.
5. Place another set in the car pocket for when last minute appointments arise.
6. Take a deep breath, sit back and enjoy the feeling of being organized! Dang your good!
{FREE PRINTABLES}…Student Activity Notes!