The Holiday Season can be a killer in our energy, our wallets and sadly (yet most importantly) our Faith Spirit. I’ve been the most calm and joyous in my heart this year particularly in preparation for Christmas. Why? My perspective took a dramatic change. I chose to put less ornaments on the tree and drink more hot cocoa as a family at night. I chose to only attend one Holiday Event vs. trying to cram in multiple just to “make it work”. Lastly, I focused and finished our Family Prayer Wall Cross Project for the entry in our home. This has been the greatest Christmas gift of all.Last year we started one with just a poster board and tags marking prayer requests from friends, family, classmates, clients and pin to the board. This week the board was replaced with a solid maple cross courtesy of my neighbor’s “bulk trash” that he let me dig thru after his demo project. I am trash-to-treasure lover at heart only if I truly need it.

Lastly, an L-bracket was placed at the bottom to support the cross even further being such a heavy maple piece to remain sturdy in place.
I wrapped traditional rustic twine up and around the center like you do with leaves to a cross on palm Sunday.
Our Family Cross now floats majestically in our hall entry where the morning sun shines on it thru the glass door window. I feel His presence endlessly, everyday especially working from my Home Office interacting with our Team.
Christmas cards are being “pinned” to it daily and then will be used for future prayer requests throughout the year.
Whatever your faith background or whatever place your faith walk may take you, our time on earth is a precious gift given to use each and every day. Make your God given gifts count wherever life takes you. May stopping life to begin caring for others and praying for others become part of your daily walk. Soul seeking? Desire to celebrate the true reason for this glorious season with a beautiful service? There are many options offered at my home church Scottsdale Bible whether traditional Service or Jewish History Service that will impact your life as you transition into 2016!