I smile so HUGE when I say that I truly, deeply, madly ❤️ our Organizing Team of Designers and Organizers. Every gal is a gift to our clients, our team and to me in extraordinary ways. These girls are my second family, aka my biz family. They cheer me on when biz challenges arise and celebrate with me on the victories. We are a “no drama mama sisterhood” (hello.. did i just create a new hashtag?!?) who genuinely support and respect one another’s life work, a core company pillar we value very much!
Dinner and ? was so divine at The Living Room in Scottsdale with our annual gift exchange however this year I surprised each gal with a chalkboard sign of their name broken into their key character traits… they then decided to write one for me…. too sweet ?.
Every year Our Top 10 Transformations Post is a reader FAVORITE! Every before
picture narrates a clients “life story” and every after
picture allowed us to rewrite it for them. May you not judge
, but applaud them
for the bravery it took to allow us to “re-write their story” through our organizing methods.
Cheers to everyone for another AMAZING year!

How AMAZING would it be to see a BIG FAT ZERO in your email inbox? My most favorite DEFENSE toward keeping a clean inbox vs. it being infected with unwanted emails is by registering for unrollme.com. Whether via computer or app, you can unsubscribe from unwanted emails and consolidate those you want to keep — all with one swipe
. To me it is true email magic, like your favorite cappucino pulled out of a hat type of magic. And yes, you can thank me with Starbuck gift cards anytime since this time saving tip is THAT amazing…no pressure on the gift card, just get going on the email magic!